gross domestic product
- A measure of the economic production of a particular territory in financial capital terms over a specific time period. Abbreviation: GDP
trans-top|gross domestic product
Afrikaans: bruto nasionale produk abbreviation BNP)
Chinese: å�½å��ç��产æ�»å�¼ (guó nèi shÄ�ng chÇ�n zÇ�ng zhÃ)
Danish: BNI per indbygger
Dutch: bruto nationaal product (abbreviation BNP)
Estonian: sisemajanduse kogutoodang (abbreviation SKT)
Esperanto: Malneta Enlanda Produkto (abbreviation MEP)
Finnish: bruttokansantuote (abbreviation BKT)
French: produit intérieur brut m (abbreviation PIB)
German: Bruttoinlandsprodukt n (abbreviation BIP)
Indonesian: produk domestik bruto, pendapatan kotor domestik (abbreviations GDP and PDB)
Italian: Prodotto Interno Lordo (abbreviation PIL)
Japanese: �������, jīdīpī), ����� (����������, kokunai-s�seisan) (abbreviation GDP)
Korean: êµë�´ ì´�ì��ì�° (guk nae chong saeng san)
Norwegian: brutto nasjonalprodukt (abbreviation BNP)
Polish: produkt krajowy brutto (abbreviation PKB)
Portuguese: produto interno bruto (abbreviation PIB)
Romanian: produs intern brut (abbreviation PIB)
Russian: валовой на�ионал�н�й п�од�к� (abbreviation ���)
Spanish: producto nacional bruto (abbreviation PNB), producto interior bruto (PIB)
Swedish: bruttonationalprodukt (abbreviation BNP)
fr:gross domestic product